Being Present

The art of being present and mindful is a skill we need to learn to develop again. See, most of us have it when we are very young. We are fully in the present moment when we are babies, as toddlers and then as young kids. It's often as we age and our values are taught to us that we sometimes loose the present moment.

Over the weekend (November 2020), I had the opportunity to be reminded of being present. I attended a wedding of a friend who I worked with about 15 years ago. Although our paths have gone in different directions we have always tried to catchup when we visited each others hometown.

While travelling to the wedding and throughout the weekend, all I have been doing is concentrating on being in the here and now. The absolute pleasure to actually jump on a plane, enjoy my old hometown, catchup with my mum in person (it's been a long year since I saw here in the flesh), be by the ocean and go for an ocean walk in a different place, spend time on me - making myself up (including getting my nails painted) for the wedding and enjoying the company of the whole days including the magnificent wedding and dancing into the night.

All very surreal, special, incredible and amazing to be part of the wedding and share in the experiences. Particularly since 2020 has been such a rollercoaster year for everyone.

I'm taking away with me today, while I fly home; wonderful memories, great laughs and feeling very blessed and grateful to have such a wonderful experience with old and new friends. Seeing my brother unexpectedly at my mums and simply being in the moment.

Remain present in everything you do and your world will expand and reward you immensely.

Stay Strong ~ Fiona

Life Performance Coach

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Inspiring people and business to evolve and maximise their potential with tailored coaching plans.

Whether this is your first time with life performance coaching, you are an executive, business owner or want to change something in your life; every client has individualised plans to suit their objectives and outcomes.

Meet Coach Fiona

Set a challenge, goal and or want breakthrough in either business or your personal life; and Fiona will take you there!

Here we see Fiona following her passion, out in nature and enjoying being active and living the life of her dreams. You too can enjoy an abundant life when you follow your passion and live with purpose.

"Inspire people & business to evolve and maximise their potential with tailored coaching plans."

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