Hi there,

So great that you want to find out more about me... I'm Fiona - founder of Renew Yourself and your Growth Coach.

I love focusing on your mindset and maximising your performance - personally or in business.

Let us go back a few decades (or more...), I'm 19 and oh how exciting, I got engaged. At 20, I got married (ticked that box), turn 21 and I've organised my own 21st and started building a house (so adulting big time) then at 22, I had my beautiful daughter. The world was magical for a little while, but then...

The reality of life set in. I knew I didn't want to sit still, I wanted to learn and grow and show my daughter what you can achieve. Be a great role model as most of our parents have done to guide us - I wanted to do the same. I started to study and travel with my daughters father and the world showed me that life was not all full of roses. Studying management, leadership and my passion of marketing. I got a full time job and somewhere in my perfect world the edges started to crumble. At 26, I was separated and by 27 divorced. My world fell apart. I cried a lot. At 27, a mother of a young child, working full time while still trying to complete studies and live a life around 2,000 km away from family. It was all up to me now!

I felt a complete failure. I know now, I didn't even love myself very much in those early years. I pushed on ... I worked hard building a career and finishing my studies. I did the best I could do as a parent and I started to see some type of sense out of all the chaos; I received promotions and when I moved back interstate to be closer to family, I landed on my feet again. Perfect, I thought life is sorting itself out.

The next road block was about to come up. I was now in my mid-late 30s. I had lived on pushing hard for nearly 2 decades, add adrenalin, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and a lot of chaos and I was an emotional wreck! One minute I'm on cloud 9, the next I'm yelling and screaming at people (mainly my poor teenage daughter) and yep it was hell during those teenage years.

I was again in a relationship that was not good for me. My father had terminal cancer and I was juggling life and trying to fathom my teenage daughter. It was hell!

In the end, I ran from the relationship with only the clothes I had and went through an agonising time from it . (That's another story down the track!) And just after I ran from this relationship my father passed away from terminal cancer. I dug deep again, cried heaps, drowned my emotions in alcohol and somehow held down a corporate job.

That craziness that I thought at the time I would never get out of; actually started my journey of self discovery.

Fast track another 12 years and I'm 'dreaming out loud'. I live my life on 'feel', I have created and evolved two business - both are my passions and I can now say; I LOVE myself fully.

My heartache and challenges have become my lessons and I'm leaning into everything I fear; as I 'inspire others to have an amazing life and be their raw authentic self'.

Join me on my next chapter on how I got to where I am today and overcome the obstacles that set me on my own path of self discovery, self development and most importantly SELF LOVE.

Let's work together?

You've got this! Jump into my calendar and let's have a chat. If you want to know a little more,

read about what is involved in my FREE 15min Discovery Calls.

"When we start taking action, even through baby steps, we realise how resourceful we actually are.

Those baby steps can end up moving mountains."

Inspiring individuals and business owners to evolve and maximise

your full potential with tailored coaching programs.

Whether this is your first time looking at how you can change your trajectory, you're struggling with your emotions, you are disliking the way your life is playing out and you have a fear of the what if; when you decided to do whatever you think is the right move.....only to sabotage yourself in that move.

It's time to reflect and make a change.

Growth Coaching helps identify what you need to work on and how to work on it. I (Fiona) 'your coach' will have your back, whether you undertake an introductory program or decide to focus on one-to-one work, we will work together to achieve your 'vision' and inspire yourself into an amazing life.


I have always embodied personal development and growth. Starting off with post graduate studies in Management, Leadership & Marketing; I quickly climbed the ranks through Kellogg's as a Assistant Sponsorship Manager.

Becoming Wizard Home Loans first State Marketing Manager, working alongside the National Marketing Manager to build a team of state marketing personnel throughout Australia. Pulling on my sponsorship experience with Kellogg's to support the Wizard "Blues" State of Origin sponsorship. With diversification and growth opportunities, I also took on the role of State Development Manager to support all Queensland franchisees.

To keep growing and reaching more career highlights in my chosen field, I expanded into retail and worked with Westfield. Taking one of their northern Brisbane centres through the early stages of pending development with Ikea.

After 20 years in corporate life, I knew my time was about to change. I re-diversified as a Remedial Massage Therapist, following my passion of health and well-being. Fast track 9 years, opening and downscaling a clinic and becoming a go getting entrepreneur, I now run two businesses of my own passions.

With my focus being around 'inspiring people to live their dreams, feel amazing as their authentic self' through my business as a Growth Coach with Renew Yourself.

Education & Passions

✔️ 2021 - Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology

✔️ 2020 - Master Neurolinguistic Practitioner (NLP)

✔️ 2020 - Therapeutic Applied Percussion

Practitioner (similar to EFT)

✔️ 2019 - Master Mindset Coach

✔️ 2014 - Diploma of Remedial Massage

✔️ 2001 - Diploma in Marketing

✔️ 1999 - Diploma in Management & Leadership

✔️ endless certificates, online courses, business

seminars and personal development growth


✔️ Passions for health & wellbeing; avid outrigger paddler - the longer the race the more I can use my own skills/experiences with mindset

✔️ My body is being challenged as I gain more years; I've rehab'd from 2 knee reconstructions, a ruptured achillies, severe whiplash from a car accident and a beautiful degenerative vertebrae in my back that gives me nerve referral discomfort. You can do anything if you WANT to!

I'd love to inspire you into an amazing life !

I have an amazing life! A life that I CREATE in flow. I am now in my 50's. and I wish I had learnt about my own journey in the last decade, a long time ago. But, I'm glad I've gone on my own self discovery in my 40s to create the life I want.

This background picture is of my passion, outrigger paddling. A picture taken just before we hit the water in winter. The sunrise is amazing, I am blessed I have focused on myself for the last 10 years and credit my happiness to my own self discovery journey. The ocean is where I find my zen, where I sit in the present and be grateful for everything that has been given to me (the good, the bad and the just ugly!)

I work on myself daily through my own personally crafted program after many years of studying and practices. I share these with all my clients and have developed programs to encompass how you can create your amazing life. I still to this day have a coach and continue to learn so I can give all to my clients.

When you start off on your journey, you might be like I was - I see similar with most of my clients. There was frustration, confusion, a few tears and some real 'lightbulb' moments where I thought "wow ... that's why I reacted that way or ahhhh now I get it". It's amazing how your world opens up when you start to make changes. I'm not going to say it will be easy; I still work on reprogramming patterns and habits I've formed over 30 adult years.

However, the best part of all of it, is the amazing journey you find yourself on. How the world gives you what you need, you open up to new possibilities, you start to live in the present and learn to develop a tribe around you that is worthy of YOU. As I've developed, I love myself more and more and continue to surprise myself how I navigate challenging times (yes, I still have them too).

I'd love to chat to you about how you can create your amazing life, with less stress, less fear and less of whatever is causing you grief. It can be done at any age. Download my free "Inspire Yourself to Have an Amazing Life" ebook and I'd be honoured to chat with you - there is no commitment, just love and encouragement.

Join the 'Finspiration Tribe'

I'm sending you, FREE, the 24 page ebook

"How to Inspire You to Have An Amazing Life".

I promise not to SPAM you. You can delete your email anytime once you receive your free ebook.

What my clients LOVE to say .....

Clients come from all different walks of life and the one thing they have in common, is the inner knowing of a need to change . I am so grateful to have, amazing, beautiful clients who are happy to share how being uncomfortable while learning to grow within themselves. They inspire me with their visions for their own futures, their growth and their raw authenticity during their own personal journey.

Look within when life gives you lemons! Focusing on a positive mindset and ground myself...

Both mentally and physically exhausted, excessive work hours and unhealthy habits...

Mum of 4, FIFO husband, passing of a baby and lots of stress and anxiety...

Take the very first step to change your life

for the better.

Leading you out of your emotional state and moving you into your heart and focus on how you want to 'feel and flow' in your life.

Together we will work on releasing all the crap you've held onto for years, create calm from the stress and anxiety, show you how to let go of perfectionism, build on your self care/self love and self esteem to continue and inspire you to have an amazing life as your authentic self.

Inspiring you to live your dreams, feel amazing as your authentic self. Get in touch today!

Feel free to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.

If you're a little nervous about chatting, I'm happy to send you some information over email to start you off on your journey.

Complete the form below and I look forward to helping inspire you into an 'amazing life'!

How much time do I need to inspire change?

Each person develops their own emphasis and attention around what they want to change. Some clients adapt quickly to stepping outside their comfort zone and working on their own development. While others need to look further within to overcome self sabotage, facing their fears, rewiring habits to new stories.

I ask every client, what is their commitment to change within themselves? With anything new, practice will improve your skills and return on your own investment within. Jump on a FREE 15min Discovery Call to find out how easy it is to make a change.

What is a Discovery Call?

Before I start work with any clients, I will chat with you around what you want to achieve and your expectations on outcomes.

The same goes for you, the client to ask as many questions before entering the commitment to 'improve self'. Sometimes (but not often), I will recommend that you wait until you work through some discovery activities before committing your time and budget to working together.

My entire focus is on how to help you get out of your stress, anxiety, self sabotage, and lean into your fear; working on building your self care/self love and self esteem.

I have tried other types of coaches and/or wellness practitioners?

I believe there needs to be a genuine 'fit' with coach and client to achieve optimum results.

If a client isn't committed to their 'self improvement journey' the results will speak for themselves.

I work with each client on a personalised program to suit your needs and budget. I get quickly to the root cause of the issues whether that be self love, self sabotage, facing fears or sometimes deeper sub-conscious work.

In trusting the process and the years of my own self development experiences, I will help inspire you to make the changes in your life. The outcome is to be 'happy' and grateful for everything that is given to us in life (the good, the bad and the ugly). We are here to grow and learn and life sends us these paths to take to teach us about our incredible selves.

Come with me on this journey, it's amazing!

Who is the most important person in your life?

The biggest challenge most people face is the validation of within.

Self Care = Self Love = Self Esteem.

Self care takes commitment to unravel our past behaviours then start the process of working on creating a 'new self'. It can sometimes be frightening and messy.

When we start taking action, even through baby steps, we realise how resourceful we actually are. And those baby steps can end up moving mountains!

"There may be a time in a woman's life when she wakes up one day and she has no purpose. She looks back on her past and sees a clear picture. She looks to the future, and she can't see anything. All she knows is that she doesn't want to feel the way she feels anymore. I help women form healthy, life-changing, daily habits so they can start to experience peace and joy in the present and move towards an incredible future."

Copyright © 2021 | Renew Yourself Mindset Training