How to move forward on your

Self Discovery journey?

Programs/Courses, Workshops, One on One & Group Coaching + Retreats .....

I work with you to personalise your program to maximise your outcomes,

make you feel amazing and have an inspiring life as your authentic self.

Let's Start Here ....

It can be scary when you don't know where to start. I've been on the personal growth/self development journey for over 9 years and boy has it opened my eyes to the possibilities, joy, peace and also gratitude of life (not that I didn't have a bit of all of those before)!!!

To help you on your journey, I've stepped out the opportunities for you to discover your own self. The best part of it, is you get to choose how much commitment you want to give yourself. Remembering always what you put in is what you get out. Yes, at times it will fill like your outside your comfort zone, but on the other side is an amazing life as your authentic self. Opening up the world of more possibilities than you ever had before. Your energy and your intentions create the life of your dreams. Let's open your mind to all the opportunities that are being presented to you.

The FREE Stuff .....

Yes, I give you a wealth of free stuff to help educate and inspire you on your own journey. It's my way of supporting my tribe and encouraging everyone to grow.


Every Monday night at 7.30pm, I share a subject/topic/inspiration on personal growth and development. I lead the discussion and overview and some of my amazing tribe members (who have walked through their journeys) share their personal experiences. This is a great way to ease yourself into personal development.

You do need to join and confirm your email address and once you do that; you can watch all the previous Finspiration Chats on replay. How cool is that? (I promise I do not spam you, if you don't want to receive information from me, just unsubscribe).

Here is where a bit of cool, more information is about the Finspiration Community. Can't wait to see you in our tribe!

Inspire Yourself Into An Amazing Life

This FREE 24 page ebook is a little bit of inspiration from myself. It's how I came to share all of my life experiences and learnt skills.

I often get asked 'how do you do all these amazing things and where do you find the time'? It's taken me 30 years to come to a place where I know what I want out of the rest of my life. How I want to live it, who I want to be, what things I like about myself and what things I want to work on. I still have areas of my life (just like the rest of us) that I am unsure about; and the best part is ... I still refer back to my own writings/teachings about how to improve 'me'!

Take out what you want, discard what you think is not going to serve you and I hope that I can give you just a snippet of love and guidance to help you on your life journey.

A pop up box will appear after pressing on this link. Type your name and email address into it and I will send you a copy of my "Inspire Yourself Into An Amazing Life", 24 page ebook, absolutely FREE!

You are just like water. You can sit and stagnate, you can flow, you can bubble and you can ROAR!

Join the 'Finspiration Tribe'

I'm sending you, FREE, the 24 page ebook

"How to Inspire You to Have An Amazing Life".

I promise not to SPAM you. You can delete your email anytime once you receive your free ebook.

Join the 'Finspiration Tribe'

I'm sending you, FREE, the 24 page ebook

"How to Inspire You to Have An Amazing Life".

I promise not to SPAM you. You can delete your email anytime once you receive your free ebook.

I Am Brave Want To Take A Leap Of Faith

How exciting to have you come on the journey into our tribe. Whether you are starting out or are in the flow of a 'student of life', I can guide you through your journey. Sometimes it's hard to work out what is the lesson or learning on your own. You need some guidance or where to place your first steps; that's where I come in.

Book a FREE 15 Min Discovery Call and we can talk about how you are in the present (I'll give you a little cheeky hint, most of my clients just know they don't want to feel exhausted, running on their emotions and at wits end) and what you want to feel for your future (again a sneaky hint, most of us want peace, joy and happiness and a few other things that we would like to do/become). It's really is simple, just press the link here and I look forward to catching up.

Below are some of my amazing programs that I help guide my tribe (clients) through. I have something for just about everyone; balancing tight budgets, time poor and simply I don't want to be 'rocking in the corner' which is often what a lot of tribe members come to be feeling like.

Let's do this! Jump in and book your FREE 15 Min Discovery Call and I'm so grateful to share your time and energy.

Much love & strength, Fiona - your Growth Coach.

You are just like water. You can sit and stagnate, you can flow, you can bubble and you can ROAR!

Join the 'Finspiration Tribe'

I'm sending you, FREE, the 24 page ebook

"How to Inspire You to Have An Amazing Life".

I promise not to SPAM you. You can delete your email anytime once you receive your free ebook.

Join the 'Finspiration Tribe'

I'm sending you, FREE, the 24 page ebook

"How to Inspire You to Have An Amazing Life".

I promise not to SPAM you. You can delete your email anytime once you receive your free ebook.

Personal Empowerment


Guiding you out of your emotions and into inner peace and joy!

Step out of your emotional rollercoaster life and make a conscious decision to take charge of your life forever.

This is an introductory 4 week self guided program, with access to the Finspiration Community to help support you on your new journey of self discovery.

Areas I help you develop healthier self reflection habits are:

✔️ Stop running on your emotions and get back into your heart centre

✔️ Help ease the stress and anxiety in your life

✔️ Create calm in your minds thoughts and stop blaming others for your life lessons

✔️ Build your self esteem through self love and care

This is the start of your amazing journey of self discovery.

Take the first tiny step and you will be amazed how you will find peace, ease and calm in your life.

Read more here

Inner Circle

"You are not stagnate,

you are starting to flow"!

You are yearning for something, a connection with a like-minded tribe. Someone who will have your back, without judgement. You're not sure what you want, you just know that you can't keep going the way you are!

Look within, just like the name says; it's all about self reflection, self guidance and awareness; when you can and how often you like.

The Inner Circle program is a monthly subscription (no minimum requirements). It's like joining the gym for your mind and mindset, your overall well-being and how you feel about yourself and your life.

The program works within a training platform where you can start off with the "Renew Yourself Daily Challenge". This will kick you off with a great start to help you focus on your own well-being. Then after that the sky's the limit with exercises, videos, activities and of course the weekly Finspiration Community tribe catch-ups.

And there is more...the Inner Circle program also allows you to ask any questions relating to what you are viewing and learning. It's like having access to me whenever you like (and I will respond within 24 business hours, technology pending).

And if you still are not sure, read all about it in details by clicking on the link or jump into a FREE 15 Min Discovery Call, where I can be an ear and listen without judgement about what is effecting you in your world.

Can't wait to have you in the Inner Circle tribe.🧡


'Inspiring you to live your dreams, feel amazing as your authentic self'.

This is where YOU really get to SHINE!

You've dabbled in a little bit of self discovery, working in the Personal Empowerment or Inner Circle programs (or you've done previous self development work).

This is my flagship program that I encourage everyone to jump into!

Now you want to take charge and own your life? Create it the way you want to live, be authentic, raw and find peace, joy in the present and look forward to an exciting future.

Whether your focus is on your mindfulness practices, how to connect your mind, body and soul together, learning more about your identity and what fear is holding you back from the life you want to live.

You are the one who can change who you are now and forever - jump in and let's get started!

One to One or

Group Coaching

Everyone needs a coach at some stage in their life if, they want to make change - it's hard to do it alone!

Let's get real, most people are content with being just so. They don't want to work on themselves or own their crap! It's extremely confronting and almost overwhelming when we start to look within.

Well, at least it was that way for me!

The only way I worked through my own trauma and life experiences was to put myself into vulnerability and be raw, real and get myself a coach that supported me through the journey. I definitely would not be here today saying my life is great without all the inner work I have done.

I work with you on how to get the 'feel' in your life. The life you want to lead, the life you could only dream of.

It takes guts and courage and I know if you are reading this you just need that coach who will support, but also keep it real and you accountable on your journey.

I will help you discover who you really are and what makes you happy.

Take back control and

Inspire Yourself Into An Amazing Life

 Just take one small step to get yourself started !

A conversation with an open heart and no judgement is the best way to support your journey to get you started.

How much time do you value to find out how to let go of stress and feel at ease, find peace and joy in your life? What time are you committed to become a better version of yourself?

Commit to yourself to lean into your fear, eliminate your self sabotage and grow your self worth and esteem. Self development is all about the journey on the road to new, transformed YOU!


Read more blogs here.

Self Care

How do we self care? Self care means different things to different people. For me ...


I am honest, I have a lot of fear! And what I have learnt particularly over the past 6 years ...


This is one of my favourite topic and areas of improvement for my beautiful clients. We are ...


Just like a fence between two houses, a fence defines who owns what and where ...

Being Present

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to be present. I attended a wedding of a friend ...


My grass is very green, it's an amazing passion my partner has to ensure we have sparkling green ...

"There may be a time in a woman's life when she wakes up one day and she has no purpose. She looks back on her past and sees a clear picture. She looks to the future, and she can't see anything. All she knows is that she doesn't want to feel the way she feels anymore. I help women form healthy, life-changing, daily habits so they can start to experience peace and joy in the present and move towards an incredible future."

Copyright © 2021 | Renew Yourself Mindset Training