Decision or Condition

We make over 6000 decisions a day .... that's one large amount of things to decide. No wonder our heads are often full!

Why do Presidents or CEO's of a company wear the same attire most days? It's because that's one less decision to make in the day.

If we do the same in our lives, it gives us time to start working on our conditioning.

Our conditioning is how we have operated our lives. Like most of us, we run on emotions; fear, anger, sadness, frustration....and the list goes on. Some of this is subconscious conditioning from our childhood and some from our young adult life as we've mimicked our parents or adults who influenced us.

To ease the burden of our minds, we must first set our intentions each day, get focused and eliminate any unnecessary thinking. Then once we do that we can work through how we respond to everyday life and start focusing on non emotional decision making (outside of our previous conditioning).

If you want to find out more, jump across to our courses or DM me for more information on how you can 'live the life of your dreams'.

All my strength and love, Fiona, Your Life Coach.

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Inspiring people and business to evolve and maximise their potential with tailored coaching plans.

Whether this is your first time with life performance coaching, you are an executive, business owner or want to change something in your life; every client has individualised plans to suit their objectives and outcomes.

Meet Coach Fiona

Set a challenge, goal and or want breakthrough in either business or your personal life; and Fiona will take you there!

Here we see Fiona following her passion, out in nature and enjoying being active and living the life of her dreams. You too can enjoy an abundant life when you follow your passion and live with purpose.

"Inspire people & business to evolve and maximise their potential with tailored coaching plans."

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