Grounding Yourself

My grass is very green, it's an amazing passion my partner has to ensure we have sparkling green lawn in an area of Australia known for the dry tropics.

He spends hours some weekends pulling out weeds, spreading fertiliser and generally tendering to ensure every blade of grass knows it's cared for, loved and nourished.

We are the same you know! I chat to my clients a lot about grounding and effectively this is what my partner is doing with his passion for a green lawn.

Grounding centres us back into our inner being, makes us stop, be present and 'smell the roses'. I personally love when I'm busy, standing out on our green grass and just breathing in the fresh air and listening to the sounds of nature. Even if it's just for 5 minutes!

I ground a lot on the weekends - often going to club training in outrigger canoes on the open ocean on Saturday and then Sunday, I also take my own single canoe out for a paddle. Sometimes it's training purpose and sometimes is all about the enjoyment of being in the open ocean and soaking everything up to recharge. There is also sometimes where fear is tapping but that's another blog altogether.

If I get a chance when I'm away from home, I will always try to go for a walk, take a hike up a hill in a national park or nature reserve or if I'm in a city try and find fresh air and the sky. All for the purpose of grounding into the universe, soaking up positive energy around me and letting go of any negativity I need to loose.

So take a breath today, go find a patch of green grass, take your shoes off and just be!

Let me know how you feel? 🌱

Stay Strong ~ Fiona

Life Performance Coach

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Inspiring people and business to evolve and maximise their potential with tailored coaching plans.

Whether this is your first time with life performance coaching, you are an executive, business owner or want to change something in your life; every client has individualised plans to suit their objectives and outcomes.

Meet Coach Fiona

Set a challenge, goal and or want breakthrough in either business or your personal life; and Fiona will take you there!

Here we see Fiona following her passion, out in nature and enjoying being active and living the life of her dreams. You too can enjoy an abundant life when you follow your passion and live with purpose.

"Inspire people & business to evolve and maximise their potential with tailored coaching plans."

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